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Ophthalmology service at Griffith Base Hospital wins state government award

A big congratulations to our doctors, A/Prof Geoffrey Painter and Dr Dominic McCall.

An ophthalmology project that launched at Griffith Base Hospital last year was recently recognised in the Murrumbidgee Local Health District (MLHD) 2023 Excellence Awards.

‘Saving Sight is our Vision’ works to improve First Nations peoples access to eye health services and was the recipient of the ‘Keeping People Healthy Award’.

The award acknowledges innovative projects and programs that promote good health through raising awareness of healthy choices, aid in the prevention of ill health and work to achieve improvement to the overall health and well-being of the community.

Led by A/Prof Painter and Dr McCall, a group of predominantly Sydney-based ophthalmologists visit the hospital every four weeks to see and operate on patients from the Western MLHD.

To read more, please click onto this link here.